GROW (November 3)
November 3, 2024
Our Richmond campus meets at Elijah House Academy, on Jahnke Road near Chippenham Hospital. This campus is the historic home of Crestwood. We love meeting and serving the people of this vibrant community on the southside.
10:30 AM
First time visitors may want to arrive 10-15 minutes early (~10:15) and enter through the Boyd Hall entrance on the back of the building. There is ample parking, and helpful people to direct you to the sanctuary and nursery care for your children.
Our music style is blended, which means you will often hear contemporary songs and older hymns in the same service.
Sunday School isn’t just for the kids – Our adult class meets at 9:00 in Boyd Hall, with weekly teaching and group discussion.
Infant through Elementary School
Our nursery staff will take great care of your crew during the Sunday service. Nursery and elementary classes meet at the end of the education wing, in the last rooms on the left.
Preteens and Teens
On Sunday mornings, youth have their own Sunday school classes. Join us at 9:00 in the pastor’s office (just inside Boyd Hall entrance) for Bible study and facilitated discussion.