Adults at Crestwood

Whether you grew up in the church or are just beginning to explore faith in Jesus, we have environments to help you grow. Along the way, you’ll meet some people ahead of you on the journey who will be glad to share their experiences. No matter your past, there is a place for you here to learn, serve grow with us.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 ESV

Ways to Get Connected

Christian Education

The Christian Education (or sometimes known as Sunday school) ministry of Crestwood Church is designed to connect you with a class that brings biblical principles alive to address the practicalities of everyday living. While these classes are typically offered to you on Sunday mornings at either of our church campuses, due to Covid-19 precautions, our classes are currently being held on a virtual platform, accentuating accessibility as well as the convenience of participating from the comfort of your own home and facilitating connective discussion in the safest fashion possible.

Wednesday Night at Crestwood

Wednesday Nights at Crestwood offer an opportunity for church-wide engagement through a communal teaching, varying week-to-week, which leads to small group (life groups and Four-for-Four groups) based gathering to focus on real-life application.

MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers

As any parent knows, raising a preschooler is a difficult and enthralling job—but it can be lonely business. That’s why Crestwood is home to this supportive and thriving program for Moms to connect and build friendships with others in the same boat. Crestwood’s MOPS program brings together approximately 45 moms, 60 children, and a support staff of 20 child care providers. This vibrant ministry helps Moms developing encouraging, supportive friendships and provides care for their children in a nurturing, fun, and faith-filled environment.   Although our thriving MOPS community has had to shift its operational structure in light of Covid-19, we look forward to announcing the plan to move forward this fall.  It will look different, but the care, support and connection will be the same!

Life Groups

To follow where Jesus leads, large group gatherings are not enough. Life Groups provide the opportunity for us to love and be loved in the life-giving way Jesus intended. Life Group ministry at Crestwood is about care; it’s about spiritual growth; it’s about building abiding friendships; it’s about laughter; it’s about service; it’s about life transformation. It’s about being disciples following Christ together and ushering something new into the world, something that looks a little bit like what God intended in the beginning. We offer groups of varying sizes to best suit you.  If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Dr. Rob Burns at for more information.


The PrimeTimer Ministry provides fellowship within the Crestwood community for adults aged 55 and better. Guests are welcome at any PrimeTimer event (including those under 55!). Typically these events are lunches with monthly speaker programs held at our Richmond campus, or they are outings to area attractions. Activities are scheduled from September to May each year.

444 Groups

What is a 444 group? 444 groups are made up of 4 men or 4 women who will meet for approximately 4 months (September through December). These Group gatherings are envisioned to be about an hour with conversation including general life check-in, prayer, and sharing related to Scripture and Sunday’s sermon. Other than listening to the weekly sermon and a bit of Scripture reading, no preparation is expected. A guide will be available. Groups will meet at least every other week at a time mutually determined by participants. Most groups will meet 6-10 times during September-December. Groups can meet at any location that is mutually agreeable: online (e.g. Zoom), in a home, at a coffee shop, etc. We want to help people move forward in following Jesus well by providing a context for supporting one another in applying Scripture do daily living. Sermon application seems a convenient place to begin.

Contact Rob at or text “444” to (804) 315-2777 to get involved!